Let’s grow faith, joy, love, and peace in our homes.

What’s the hype with GLP-1

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GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide 1, is a natural hormone found in our gut and brain.  It is used to balance blood sugar levels and signals fullness.  When it is functioning correctly, it curbs appetite and encourages our body to use stored fat.  This hormone triggers insulin release from the pancreas which goes into the cells for energy.  If glucose isn’t hitting the cells, blood sugar will increase.

The reason that GLP-1 agonists exist is because they mimic the action of the hormone.  They are approved for use in people who are obese and have diabetes.  However, many people are being prescribed them off label (which is a norm of the industry).

Of course they cannot and do not work without proper nutrition and exercise.  Many people who go off the drug will gain it all back if they have not changed their lifestyle.

The Kicker

I know that if there was a weight loss med that actually worked alone, there wouldn’t be any overweight people.  Period.  25 weight loss meds have been pulled off the market as their studies weren’t complete–why do we think this one is any different?

The crazy thing is that there are people who have needed gall bladder removal, and forever gut issues after use.  There are people who have had one shot and it took months for the digestive system to come back around.

We know that elevated insulin can lead to acute pancreatitis and a known side effect is medullary thyroid cancer within 12-36 months.  Finally, we also know the vagus nerve is down regulated.  And yet, some push it and take it anyway.

Then there is the way that you know someone went on it because of their butt or face.  It dissolves lean muscle.  People lose muscle mass in their glutes-which you need to move!  Then there are the effects on the pelvic floor…no thanks!

So what do we do if we want to lose weight for our health and support the GLP-1 hormone?

To support this hormone we need adequate nutrition.  2-4T of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and butter.  High protein also stimulates GLP-1 along with polyphenols found in fruit.

In 2 oz of NingXia, there are 200-300mg of polyphenols because of all the fruit.  Go look up the polyphenol count in wolfberries, plums, aronia berries, cherries, pomegranates, and blueberries.  I can’t believe that aronia berries can be grown right here in Iowa AND have a higher count than elderberries.

NingXia Red is a supplement with wolfberries. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using wolfberries for 1,000s of years.  Look up the case studies.  Go to pubmed and google scholar.  It is all right there!

I can see all the money wasted on GLP-1 agonists could have been better spent on whole foods, good proteins, fruits and veggies, and a gym membership/equipment.

The Real Reset

If you want to reset your body using a natural product that will work with your natural amazing God-given systems, then join the NingXia Reset.  There are different levels and comes with movement plans (even ones you can do sitting), nutritious meals, and of course NingXia.

Here’s to your real, all natural health to ring in the new year!

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I hope you find something here that brings you joy, love and peace.

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