Let’s grow faith, joy, love, and peace in our homes.

Waste Not Want Not

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We feel the pinch here at Ainley Acres as prices continue to skyrocket at the grocery store. A way that we save money is by doing what Grandma does…waste not want not. There are lots of ways that we stretch that dollar and one of them is cooking at home and using all the groceries before they rot.

I only buy necessary groceries at the store and try really hard not to let anything go to waste. Even that bag of salad mix I know I will need, but may go bad in my fridge…you know the one.

Do you buy bananas one week and they are gone in a day and then buy the next week and make banana bread too?

Banana bread is the perfect recipe for using things you already have and making something filling for your family.

Banana Bread:

Cream 1C sugar with a stick of butter. Add 3 eggs and 2T milk. In a separate bowl, sift 2C flour and 1t baking soda. Add 2 bananas, 1t vanilla, and 1/2 C nuts (optional). Bake in loaf pan at 350F for 1 hour.

Go and bake in your kitchen with the kiddos mom and bring joy to your home today!

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