Let’s grow faith, joy, love, and peace in our homes.

Finding Peace in a Hectic Mom Life

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Being a mom can be overwhelming, but finding peace is possible. In this post, we’ll explore simple yet powerful strategies to bring more peace into your daily life. From practicing mindfulness to creating a peaceful home environment, you’ll learn how to prioritize self-care and find moments of calm amidst the chaos. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a more peaceful and fulfilling mom life!

It is easy to forget, but you can really elevate your life through prayer. Every morning, pray when your feet hit the floor. Pray for patience with your children, love for your husband, and peace for your morning. Asking God to be ever present in my life has really changed the way I see the world. I ask for Him to make me more like Him each day with my family, friends, and community.

Every so often through your day, pay attention to what your body is doing. I realized I was constantly clenching my jaw or tensing my shoulders. By paying attention to what was happening with my body through the day, I was able to be proactive in relaxing. Try a breathing exercise like inhale, inhale exhale and relax tense areas. Think about some great things happening in your life. I like to write them down. This helps when I go into a freeze state in panic mode. Thinking about my blessings is very helpful to enjoying life.

When you are in the presence of your children, try to have a routine for them. When they have something to do, everyone is happier. When my kiddos come home from school we have a snack and I ask them about their day. We laugh and enjoy each other. Make an effort to get outside. Getting fresh air is so helpful to our mental health.

Lastly, involve your husband. Sometimes it seems like this world expects us to be supermom. In reality, we just have to be a great mom to the children God granted us. When my husband gets home, he sets the table and if supper isn’t ready, he plays with the girls. Sometimes when he gets home, I need a break. I set a timer for 5 minutes and take a breath. I have some scripture that have written on notecards around my house. It really helps when I need a quick minute to collect myself. Then, pray and get back out there!

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